So we have covered nails and skincare, so next stop is Hair!
Now, I am not about to tell you how to colour your hair at home! I firmly believe you should leave this to the professionals, don’t reach for the box dye – it’s really not worth it!
I am going to give you some tips on how to look after your hair, and i guess this doesn’t just apply to our time in quarantine. These can be added to your self care routine on a regular basis.

Hair Masques and treatments are a great addition to your weekly routine. If you visit the hairdressers regularly you will be maintaining their hard work, especially if you have your hair coloured. I have a couple that I rotate, one is from Olaplex which i use as a strengthening treatment and the other is from Coco & Eve. This one is super hydrating and nourishing. I tend to apply mine just before i get in to bed and leave it on over night so it has plenty of time to work! I will then wash it out the next morning with my regular shampoo and conditioner.

When it comes to washing your hair, its not just about your locks. Your scalp needs some TLC too. I like to shampoo twice and condition once, I also like to massage the product in so that I thoroughly cleanse the scalp, removing any dry skin build up as well as stimulation blood flow and oxygen to the skin and roots of the hair. This in turn can help promote healthy hair growth. You can easily do this with you hands or you can use this Scalp Massaging Brush, it won’t live up to the salon experience but it will do the trick!

We about to get super bouji! There is something about a silk pillow that makes me think its a really “adult” thing to buy, but in the interest of being Gracey with the good hair I would be willing to give it a try! The natural fibres in the silk cause less friction on the strands of hair meaning less breakage and frizz. There are lots of options online with prices going up to £120 but you could try this cheaper option on amazon first and see how you get on.
Another Hair essential is a Micro Fibre Turban. Why not just use a normal towel i hear you say, well its much kinder to your hair. A classic towel is much heavier so once piled on top of your head, it inevitably slips down and pulls many strands with it. Most of us use the towel to rub the hair dry, again this is too rough and can cause breakage and frizz. The micro fibre towel will also absorb the moisture quicker than your normal towel so it will make drying your hair easier!

I think this is the most important tip of all, especially during quarantine. Don’t cut or colour your hair yourself! You may well be over due your hair appointment but its not worth the hassle you (and your hair stylist) we have to go through to correct it. Grabbing a box dye may seem like a quick fix but in the long run it will take time and money to do a colour correction when you can get back to the salon. If you do decide to play Girls World with your own head, make sure you are honest with your stylist when you go back! When it comes to a fringe trim you may just get away with that but don’t go grabbing the kitchen scissors and giving yourself an all over restyle. Remember no one can see you and head scarfs are totally on trend right now if you need to cover any roots!
So now we have our hair in check, we have totally got this whole quarantine self care stuff down!
Stay healthy and gorgeous!
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